速報APP / 醫療 / 24 Carrot Wellness

24 Carrot Wellness



檔案大小:65.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


24 Carrot Wellness(圖1)-速報App

24 Carrot Wellness works with your healthcare provider to ensure you get the ongoing personal support you deserve to confidently pursue your best health.

When changing your health for the better means you have to put in the work to make lasting changes to your lifestyle, the highly credentialed health coaches at 24 Carrot Wellness are ready to be there for you for every step of your wellness journey.

Sometimes living your healthiest life requires more support than your doctor alone has time to provide. That’s why our team is here for you in the 24 Carrot Wellness app to help you stay on track for better health, even when life gets messy.

Download the 24 Carrot Wellness app and let’s start creating a plan to help you get to your best health today.


* We carefully ensure the security and confidentiality of your information. This app is HIPAA compliant, and any information you share with us is stored securely and managed with care.

* If you aren’t sure if 24 Carrot Wellness is available to you, or if you have questions, please email us at info@24carrotwellness.com.

24 Carrot Wellness(圖2)-速報App


* Download the app and create your account.

* Sync your 24 Carrot Wellness app in one easy step with Apple Health or any of our other supported apps to make it easier to keep your daily progress top of mind.

* Enter the Invite IS provided to you by 24 Carrot Wellness or your healthcare provider in the “Connect” section of the app.


24 Carrot Wellness(圖3)-速報App

* When it comes to your wellbeing, we understand how important it is that you are comfortable with our process, and feel you can trust the people who are working with you.

You can get in touch to learn more about 24 Carrot Wellness at www.24carrotwellness.com/questions

支援平台:iPhone, iPad